  • Khoa relocates to a new school, where he joins the Vo Ta club and becomes enamored with Khanh Trang, the beautiful martial arts girl whom has many adm
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    ? 越南年度恐怖懼片,榮登首週最賣座恐怖電影NO.1!   ? 取材真實駭人社會事件,票房勇破248億越南盾!   ? 媲美【母嬰靈】、【嬰靈】、【鬼搖靈】,孕育觀眾全新夢魘!   ? 越南功勳藝人杏翠耗時七年打造電影劇本,自編自演亮相大銀幕!   ? 多條支線離奇纏繞,無法預測的結局逆轉,挑戰觀眾
  •   Linh, an art student, moves to a new house where she encounters a ghost. She helps him to uncover the mysterious cause of his death realizing what’s
  •   故事发生在九十年代末期的西贡,乌是一名摄影系的学生,平日里喜欢举着一台照相机四处乱拍,记录周遭的影像。乌的室友唐是一个非常放浪形骸的男人,常常出没于灯红酒绿的夜总会之中,唐所散发出的魅力和神秘感让乌感到深深的着迷。  在唐的带领下,乌也来到了夜总会之中,结识了舞女万,虽然乌和万发生了一夜情,但乌
  •   多金帅气的男主人公Long是一个不相信真爱的花花公子。在他25岁生日时,他因为巨大的赌博债务而被追击。危急时刻,他突然想起来外婆的巨额遗产。然而想要继承这笔遗产需要一个条件,这就是:在25岁时完成结婚这件事。为了还清债务,Long开始走上了租赁新娘的道路。
  •   Linh, an art student, moves to a new house where she encounters a ghost. She helps him to uncover the mysterious cause of his death realizing what’s
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