  • 山羊妈妈和她的三个孩子

  • 主演:Maia Morgenstern,Marius Bodochi,Antonio Gavrila
  • 状态:HD
  • 导演:Victor Canache
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 简介:  Secluded from the world, in XIX century rural Romania, a widow and mother of three must defend what's left of her family, at all costs, from an old family friend turned foe. Based on one of the best-known Romanian folk tales (The Goat and Her Three Kids by Ion Creanga), this film aims to unveil the true nature of the famed bedtime story and to treat the audience to a different perspective, one that offers a glimpse of what the tragedy looks like beyond the happy songs and affable characters.


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